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Adonna Braly and Clutter Roundup is dream come true to this pack rat. I have worked with Adonna for the last 7 years in maintaining order in my home and office. Every month we have a standing appointment and we tackle one area at a time. She understands that someone like me loves to “hold on” to items that are not useful to me and she makes the organizing process relatively painless. The results are amazing. I never realized how the clutter in my life held me back, mentally. When my home is jam packed so is my thinking and I am stressed because of the constant need to find things. My office is organized and categorized in a way that makes the best sense for me and my needs. My bedroom and bathrooms are neat as a pin and I know where everything is. Once you make the commitment to “clean up ” it is amazing how little effort it takes to keep my life organized and stress free. I highly recommend Adonna’s services to anyone who would like to find a clutter free way to live.

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